
Higher Consciousness Class

9:00 AM

This class presents This class presents foundational New Thought teaching and is an integral part of this church ministry. Through study you will have an opportunity to learn and apply life changing principles and live a healthier, happier, and prosperous life. The textbook is: “Prosperity” by Charles Filmore. The Reverend Ineze Blanch is the teacher.

Sunday School

9:00 AM

Sunday School classes are available for our youth and provide the building blocks of all christian teaching...all children are welcome to attend.

Credit Union

Today is the perfect time to join the Credit Union. Saving is a real investment in yourself and your future. Start saving and watch your finances increase. Please see Rev. Mary Josephine Harvey to join.

Special Blessed Services

On the 2nd and 4th Sunday of each month. Following morning service. Please stay and support the ministers in these services.

The Secret of Demonstration

On the 1st Monday evening of each month

from 6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. the Rev. Denita

Tittle will be using materials from Charles

Filmore, Ernest Holmes, Emmet Fox and other

New Thought pioneers. You can download,

“The Mental Equivalent” and “The Secret of

Demonstration” by Emmet Fox, as this will be

the primary


Vision Statement

To Keep God first. To be a Spiritual Ministry that is open to every man, woman, boy and girl.To be a Ministry that demonstrates the love of God. To teach in such ways that all who hearwill want to achieve their highest potential.
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Choir Rehearsal

Choir Rehearsal will be held on the 1st and 3rd Sundays immediately following morning service. Barbara Fletcher, President.